Smart Homes: The Wave of the Future
As seen in the most recent “Home Schooled,” we were at an event learning about what constitutes a “Smart Home.” With all the recent advances in technology, utilizing Wi-Fi and the internet in almost all of our daily endeavors has become commonplace. Using such technology in our homes is no different. In fact, many homes are now becoming “Smart Homes,” wherein which the use of Wi-Fi and the internet serve as the backbone of how a home functions on a day-to- day basis.
To understand what constitutes a “Smart Home,” it is important to have a basic understanding of Wi-Fi does. As explained in the video, Wi-Fi allows various devices to communicate through your telephone, internet, and/or certain voice activation systems. Devices such as smartphones, Google Home, and/or Alexa from Amazon all operate through a Wi-Fi network that is established within a residence, workplace, etc. Simply put, a Wi-Fi network is the transportation infrastructure for any and all smart devices that allows them to communicate.
As such, the foundation of a “Smart Home” begins with a good Wi-Fi router. Such a router allows the Wi-Fi signal to be strong throughout a home, thereby allowing proper connectivity for all the devices that operate utilizing the Wi-Fi. As a result, whether you are in upstairs of a residence or down in the basement, a good Wi-Fi router will allow the Wi-Fi signal to be strong no matter the location. In turn, all of your devices will be capable of operating properly, irrespective of where there are actually located. Without such router, a home is not able to be classified as “smart.”
To further qualify as a “Smart Home,” a residence must have four (4) other “smart” features that operate utilizing the Wi-Fi system. Typically, such “smart” features include a security system, a home’s thermostat, appliances, and lighting. As we know, a “smart” security system allows security cameras to be viewed and/or accessed to one’s cell phone or allows certain alerts to be sent to another device. Additionally, the temperature within a home can be regulated utilizing the Wi-Fi system to operate the thermostat or even be adjusted from a remote location using a cell phone, tablet, or other device. “Smart” appliances and lighting system are already common in a number of homes, whereby the contents of a refrigerator can be viewed and lights can be turned on/off remotely.
Such advances in technology have drastically altered how homes operate. Suffice it to say, “Smart Homes” are the wave of the future as people tend to rely on the internet and Wi-Fi networks more frequently. As such, it is important to know what qualifies as a “Smart Home” and whether a residence is conducive to becoming one in the future.
Next week, please be sure to tune in to the next Tip at Ten in the next version of “Home Schooled.” Also, please continue to check this blog periodically for vital information about the home inspection process.
njunction with one another to prevent the buildup of moisture alluded to above. However, one thing you do not want is the installation of a ridge vent at the peak of your roof along with an attic fan. This will prevent the “natural drafting” you need to keep the attic properly ventilated as such measures almost work against each other. While it may work to some degree, it is not efficient.
As explained in the “Home Schooled” video, we find the use of a gable vent, ridge vent, and some soffit vents the best way to ventilate and/or draft your attic. With this being said, make sure the soffit vents are “clear.” In simple terms, you want to make sure the soffit vents at the eaves of your roof are not blocked by any insulation that would prevent them from ventilating properly. Make sure the installation is pulled back from the soffit vents and/or you are utilizing Styrofoam baffles. Again, this is to maximize the airflow coming into the attic.
Finally, be mindful of your attic thermostat. For homes that utilize an attic fan, you can set the temperature at which the attic fan will “kick in.” Typically, the thermostat for an attic fan is set between 90 and 100 degrees. Nevertheless, a good rule of thumb is to set the thermostat anywhere between 85 and 90 degrees. By utilizing these measures, you will ensure your attic is properly ventilated and potentially same you from costly repairs down the road.
Next week, please be sure to tune in to the next Tip at Ten in the next version of “Home Schooled.” Also, please continue to check this blog periodically for vital information about the home inspection process.