Oil Tank Sweep
Tank Sweep Professionals
If your home has a tank underground, we will find it.
What is an oil tank sweep?
An oil tank sweep is an electronic scan of a property with a device to detect the presence of an underground oil tank. Thorough visual inspections are also part of the process to detect an underground oil tank. Conducting a professional oil tank sweep is a part of the buyer’s due diligence process when purchasing a home.

Facts about Underground Oil Tanks
How do I know if there is an underground oil tank on my property?
Oil heat was prevalent for many homes in the Northeast until a few decades ago. From the 1930s through the 1980s, oil was often stored in large underground tanks. Homeowners can be unaware of the presence of an abandoned oil tank on their property. It’s possible that previous owners chose not to disclose or were not aware of an underground tank.
There are sometimes visible signs of an underground oil tank. Some telltale signs include vents, visible filler pipes, or oil lines present in the wall of the foundation. However, there are not always visible or exterior signs of a buried tank.
A professional oil tank sweep uses tools such as metal detectors and ground penetrating radar to locate abandoned tanks without relying on guesswork.
What are the risks of an abandoned underground oil tank?
Abandoned underground oil tanks can be detrimental for a variety of reasons – including environmental, financial, legal, and health-related. A leak from a deteriorated tank can have disastrous consequences for the homeowners. The cost of cleaning soil and water that had been contaminated by an oil leak can be exorbitant and is not always covered by insurance. If the leak affects a neighbor’s property, there could be additional legal consequences. In addition, the environmental impact of a leak could have hazardous results for the water supply as well as wildlife in the area.

Contact Vitale Inspection Services
Now to schedule an Oil Tank Sweep. Call us for pricing details.